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Rules for Majors

  • Majors division is competitive baseball play for players 10-12 years old with an emphasis on development, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

  • Players should begin to specialize in positions where they excel but continue to develop their level of play at all positions.

  • Time: Games are 6 innings. However, no new inning is started after 1 hour and 45 minutes. The last inning is played through its entirety unless the umpire ends it early for safety reasons. In that case only, the score reverts back to the last completed inning.

  • Bases: Players pitch from 50’, Bases are at 70’

  • Bats: All non-wood bats must have the USABat Marking. The Barrel Maximum is 2 5/8". 

  • The home team is responsible to keep score in the official score book or on GameChanger App.

  • Standings will be kept using the official score book or GameChanger App.

  • Continuous batting order.

  • Runners may leadoff bases.

  • Runners may steal bases.

  • Dropped 3rd strike rule is in effect.

  • Infield fly rule is in effect.

  • Collisions are to be avoided at all cost.

  • If there is a close play at home, runners must attempt to avoid contact or they will be called out.

  • Innings are over upon 3 outs. (no run limit per inning)

  • Batter may be called out for throwing a bat.

  • Player rotation: No player will sit for more than two consecutive innings.

Rules for Minors

  • Minor division is designed to develop players for competitive baseball play with an emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun.

  • Minor league is designed for players 8-9 years old.

  • Players should learn and play all positions. Emphasis on ever player having an opportunity to practice and play pitcher

  • Score and standings are kept via the GameChanger App.

  • Time: Games are 6 innings. However, no new inning is started after 1 hour and 15 minutes. The last
    inning is played through its entirety unless the umpire ends it early for safety reasons. In that case only, the score reverts back to the last completed inning. 

  • Continuous batting order.

  • Unlimited substitutions.

  • 9 defensive players only.

  • Bases: Players pitch from 42’, bases are 60’

  • Bats: All non-wood bats must have the USABat Marking. The Barrel Maximum is 2 5/8".

  • Runners may take a lead after a pitched ball crosses home plate.

  • Runners may attempt to steal on dropped or passed balls only. This includes balls that hit the ground before or during the catchers catch.

  • Runners are allowed one base on overthrows.

  • All runners must stop upon the ball being returned to the mound and no play is being made on them.

  • Run Limit: Innings are over upon 3 outs or 6 runs scored per inning.

  • A batter who throws a bat will be given one warning and called out on a 2nd offense.

  • No stealing home -- a runner starting a play at 3rd Base may only advance home on a batted ball or
    when forced home by a walk, hit batter, or other force play (bases loaded).

  • Player rotation: No player will sit for more than two consecutive innings.

Additional Rules

YVYB recreational Major and Minor League Baseball shall follow the rules established by the
National Federation of High Schools and the USSSA Baseball rules 7.0 with the following
7.02. A Home and Away teams will be determined by schedule.

7.02D Teams will bat a continuous lineup of all present, eligible, uniformed players. There will be
free defensive substitution for all positions other than pitcher.

702.F There is no penalty for having 8 players. Eligible substitute players are allowed.
Eligible team players will enter the game immediately upon their availability.

703.B The Mercy Rule will not apply.
For Minor League there will be a maximum of 6 runs scored per inning.

705 Pitch Limitation: (Major and Minor)
A player/pitcher can pitch a maximum of 2 innings (6 outs) per game or a maximum of 3
innings (9 outs) per day.
Once a pitcher is removed from the pitching position he/she cannot return to pitch for the
remainder of that game.

Stealing: Minor League only:
The base runner must remain on the base until a pitched ball reaches the hitter. If a
base runner leaves a base early, the ball becomes dead immediately, the runner(s) must
return to base, and all subsequent play is nullified. A runner may not steal home on a pass
ball or wild pitch.

*The Home team is to provide an “official scorer” for the game and provide umpire with correct
score and inning and assist with the safe and timely administration of the game.

Pitching Distance: Major - 50' Minor – 46'
Base Distance: Major – 70' Minor - 65'


Rookie Rules

  • Rookie division is designed to teach players the basics of baseball with emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun.

  • Rookie league is designed for players 7-8 years old.

  • Players should experience every position throughout the season.

  • Official scores and standings are kept via the GameChanger App.

  • Time: 6 innings or 1:00h time limit, whichever comes first. Continuous batting order.

  • Unlimited substitutions.

  • Inning is over once every player bats or 3 outs are made.

  • No leading off and no stealing bases.

  • Up to 10 players take the field on defense. The intent is to minimize the number of players sitting out
    each inning.

  • Bases are 50’.

  • Pitching - the coach of the offensive team will pitch 5 pitches using a mechanical pitching machine. The batter is out if a ball is not put into play after 5 pitches. If player hits the 5th pitch foul, then allow batter to have one more pitch. No walks allowed. A 3-strike rule may come into play for year end tournament.

  • The coach operating the pitching machine will also serve as the umpire if no umpire is present.

  • All runners stop once the ball is returned to the pitcher and the pitcher is within 5’ in any direction of the
    pitching machine.

  • Runners may only advance one base on an overthrow.

  • A batter who throws a bat will be given one warning and called out on a 2nd offense.

Additional Rules

9.01 Fair Ball Arc Shall be Eliminated

9.02 Safety Arc: There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.

9.03 Pitching Circle: There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate. Players should be discouraged from entering this circle at all times. The pitcher must have his foot on the edge of this circle for each pitch.

9.04 Pitching Machine: The front leg(s) shall be set at a distance of forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.

9.05 Recommended pitching machine speeds: The pitching machine shall be set at 35 MPH

9.06 Pitching Machine Operator: The Pitching Machine operator shall be a coach from the team on offense.

9.07 Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not assume an infield position:

There shall be a catcher at all times.

All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline.

9.08 The defensive player listed as pitcher shall try to avoid enter the pitching circle

9.09 Defensive coaches shall be allowed on the field of play if agreed to with opposite team coach.

9.10 The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.

9.11 The batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. All players will be in the batting order even if they are not playing defensive that inning.

9.11.A Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. Coaches can share players if there are not enough players as long as both coaches agree.

9.12 Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same.

9.13 There shall be no bunting

9.14 The batter shall receive the following pitches:

9.15 No walking

9.16 Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. The runner can not leave the base until the batter hits the ball.

9.17 A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base.

9.19 The game is over, when the allotted time is up. Try to allow both teams to bat the same number of innings if possible.

9.20 Coaches shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called when the ball is under control in the infield. The play will stop and runners will advance or return to the nearest base. Players shall not advance more than one base on an overthrown ball.

9.21 No one shall be allowed on the field that is not a registered player or coach with the YVYB.

9.22 Volunteer parents shall be allowed to assist in the dugout

9.23 Only the on deck hitter shall be allowed outside the dugout while their team is batting.

9.24 If players are called out on the bases they must return to the dugout in all innings

9.25 There shall be no coach pitch during games. Practices only

9.27 All defensive players must play one inning of outfield.

Outfielders must play 10' off of the dirt. This prevents having a 2nd shortstop, etc.



T-Ball Rules

  • T-Ball is about having fun and learning the basics of baseball.

  • No score and standings are kept.

  • Time: 3 innings or 50 minute time limit, whichever comes first. 

  • Continuous batting order and last batter runs bases until a defensive play is made.

  • There are no strikeouts. 

  • All batters will bat through lineup no matter how many outs.

  • A coach may toss 3 pitches prior to the tee being used.

  • Players must remain in their positions until the ball is hit.

  • A ball hit in the field of play must travel 5 feet from home plate to be declared in play. Balls hit less than 5 feet are treated as foul balls.

  • Only 6 players allowed on the infield. The remainder of players are to be spread across the outfield

  • Coaches AND Parents are encouraged to assist in the field.

Additional Rules

10.02 Safety Arc: There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.

10.03 Pitching Plate: The pitching plate shall be located at forty-two (42) feet from the front edge of the pitching plate to the back point of home plate.

10.04 Ball: Standard T- balls shall be used

10.05 There shall be no catcher. 

10.06A All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline.

10.07 The defensive player listed as pitcher shall stay in contact with the pitchers’ plate until the ball is hit.

10.08 Defensive coaches shall be allowed on the field of play if agreed to with opposite team coach.

10.09 The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.

10.10 The batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. All players will be in the batting order even if they are not playing defense that inning.

First Inning:  All players on the roster shall bat in the first inning. The inning is over after each player has had one at bat. All players shall advance to home after the last batter.

2nd and All other innings: The inning will be over after a team reaches three outs or the entire lineup has had an at bat. The next inning will begin with next player in the lineup. (Optional if both teams agree)

10.10.A Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. Coaches can share players if there are not enough players if both coaches agree.

10.11 Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same.

10.12 Bunting shall not be allowed.

10.13 The batter shall receive the following:

Players to receive unlimited swings in all innings.

10.14 There shall be no intentional walks

10.15 Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases.

10.16 There shall be no maximum runs per inning.

10.17 The game is over, when the allotted time is up. Try to allow both teams to bat the same number of innings if possible.

10.18 Coaches shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called when the ball is under control in the infield. The play will stop and runners will advance or return to the nearest base. Players shall not advance on an overthrown ball.

10.20 Volunteer parents are encouraged to assist on the field and in the dugout. 

10.21 Only the on deck hitter shall be allowed outside the dugout while their team is batting.

10.22 If players are called out on the bases they must return to the dugout in all innings

10.23 Defensive players must rotate each inning





Steamboat Youth Baseball

P.O. Box 880923 
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80488
Email : [email protected]
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